The Beginnings of a Blog

Well, here we go…

As I grow more and more disenchanted with social media, I find myself torn. On the one hand I love the opportunity to connect and share our lives with family and far away friends. But, connection comes at a cost and the social media landscape has become a mess— information overload, a bombardment of ads and pop culture junk, divisive political rhetoric and social angst. Not to mention the enormous toll on the the mental health of our precious youth. It has become more than worrisome. The parts I love- the landscape and travel photos, the family gatherings and the ability to re-connect with long lost friends seem to be fewer and farther between. In contemplating ways to pull away and yet to still share, I find myself perhaps drawn to the world of blogging. *Notice the “perhaps.” I suppose I am giving myself permission to give it a shot. No strings attached ;-) It’s  something that friends and family have nudged me to do over the years and I have given it half-hearted attempts. Each and every attempt has fizzled. Maybe this time I’ll give it a go for real. Like a journal, I suppose, there is not better day to get started than today…

I hope you will enjoy following our adventures!

Please note, this is not meant to be a comprehensive travel blog. My goal is not to provide travel logistics or opinions about different places. I may or may not provide details about places to stay, things to do. Think of this as more of a journal, a place where I put into words and pictures my impressions of places and people around the world and close to home.


Into the Mountains